Bug? Attributes..

Hi Folks,

Please test the short html-fragment below! I think all lines
should give the same result. (It works in Netscape and Arena to.)

Cu, Gernot
  <i><b><u>Test IBU</u></b></i><br>
  <i><u><b>Test IUB</b></u></i><br>
  <b><i><u>Test BIU</u></i></b><br>
  <b><u><i>Test BUI</i></u></b><br>
  <u><b><i>Test UBI</i></b></u><br>
  <u><i><b>Test UIB</b></i></u><br>

privat:  g.tenchio(AT)snafu.de
job:     gernot(AT)jusa.telco-tech.de
web:     http://jusa.telco-tech.de/cgi-bin/index.pl
to contact me please replace the (AT) with @

Received on Friday, 9 October 1998 03:20:12 UTC