Trouble in compiling Amaya 1.3B (3)

from    : Takashi Ito   Assistant Manager
          Information Control Systems Development Dept.
          Section B
          Automotive Electronics Development Center
          Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
address : 2-3-33, Miwa, Sanda-C., Hyogo-Pre., 669-13, Japan
phone   : +81-795-59-3813
fax     : +81-795-59-3876

Hi, Amaya Guys

I met more and more trouble in compiling Amaya 1.3B with MSVC4.0.
I have fallen in fever.
Does someone have 'amaya.mak' or 'amaya.mdb'?

If you have some information, please mail me.

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 1998 04:29:38 UTC