"nowrap" attribute doesn't work in table cell?


in a document where I describe some aspects of HTML 3.2 syntax, I realized
that Amaya seems to ignore the "nowrap" attribute in a table cell. Just to
illustrate the use of the attribute, I have a table with one row of two 
cells. Both cells contain the same text, but the left cell has the nowrap
attribute. With the following code,

    <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING="2" width=50%>
        <TD nowrap>&ecirc;tre ou ne pas &ecirc;tre, telle est la question
        <TD>&ecirc;tre ou ne pas &ecirc;tre, telle est la question</TD>

the left cell should be much wider than the right one. But Amaya shows
both cells with equal width.

Am I missing something or is it a problem with Amaya ignoring the attribute?
I am using the pre-compiled Solaris 2.5 release of Amaya 1.2.


Bertrand Ibrahim.
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Received on Thursday, 26 March 1998 06:45:19 UTC