Re: [www-amaya] <none>

Hi Siwar,

The message you've got means that you did not compile
Amaya (and other libraries) in Debug mode. In this case
you cannot debug the application. 

If you are using MSVC++ 5.0 you have to go to Build Menu
and choose Set Active Configuration Item. For each project,
Select the WIn32 Debug configuration then rebuild all the


>The compilation and the execution of amaya under MS-Windows95 is OK, I am
>Could you tell me the entry point in the source of Amaya?
>And I can't debug the source, I obtain the following message of Microsoft
>developper Studio:
>c:\users\thot\win95\bin\amaya.exe does not contain debugging onformation.
>Could you help me?
>Best regards 

Ramzi GUETARI                          |  Tel: (33) 4 76 61 52 38
World Wide Web Consortium / INRIA      |  Fax: (33) 4 76 61 52 52
655 Avenue de l'Europe                 |  e-mail:
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Received on Monday, 9 February 1998 11:56:52 UTC