Re: Running 1.1 alpha on Windows 95

On Sun, Sep 21, 1997 at 09:05:30AM -0400, Mike Miles wrote:
> 2. The program always starts with the same window size and position. a) it
> should be able to store previous settings. b) it should not sit under the
> 'taskbar' at the bottom of the screen.

The default window height is a little tall for a 1024x768 window under X, too.

> 6. The program cannot handle spaces in filenames - this is Windows 95 not
> Unix!

Actually, spaces are valid in Unix filenames too, so Amaya had better be able
to handle them!  This is tricky, because they have to be encoded as %20 when
converting to a URL but changed back to spaces when used in filenames.

> 9. It is very slow when displaying files.

And takes a remarkably long time to load under Windows 95 (Linux is fine).

	*** Xanni ***
--                         Andrew Pam                   Technical VP, Xanadu                   Technical Editor, Glass Wings                   Manager, Serious Cybernetics
P.O. Box 26, East Melbourne VIC 8002 Australia  Phone +61 3 96511511

Received on Sunday, 21 September 1997 10:29:44 UTC