Re: Blank Page with http-URL

In-reply-to: Your message of Fri, 16 May 1997 20:14:10 +0200."

> I installed Amaya 1.0a Beta today under LINUX-ELF with Java-Support.
> (amaya-java-LINUX-ELF-1.0a.tar.gz).
> When I try to open a document with 'http://' at the beginning of the URL,
> Amaya connects to the Server, receives the requested page (the status line
> shows the percentage) und than says 'Finished' in the status line, but
> I only have a blank page. Not even the title has changed.
> If I open a local document, everything works fine.

Could you open the "Structured View" of the empty displayed document just to 
test if the whole
document content has been considered as a Comment or a Head element ???

> I also compiled everything (Thot, Amaya) from scratch - without success.

What is the problem or the error detected ???

> I'm running Linux version 2.0.28 (gcc 2.7.2) with and
> I tried with Apache 1.1.1 on the same machine and on a SUN.
> Does anybody know, what's wrong?
> --
> Joachim Schlesener, telepolis, Verlag Heinz Heise.
> Tel: +49 89 625004-77, Fax: -66


Received on Tuesday, 20 May 1997 09:55:58 UTC