Overview of what's new in Amaya 0.9

What are the differences between Amaya 0.8c and Amaya 0.9?
What are the new features?

You may find them at the NEWS.Amaya.09 file included in the Amaya

For the benefit of folks who'd like to read this file without downloading
the distribution, I'm enclosing here below a copy of this file.

In the forthcoming days, we'll put this information online on the W3C

Best greetings,

-Jose Kahan

************************* NEWS. Amaya.09 ********************************

This file lists all bugs that have been fixed and all extensions that
have been introduced in Amaya and Thot since version 0.8 of Amaya.


* Structure transformation: 
  - a more efficient pattern matching algorithm.
  - more structure checking, transformations are not proposed to the user if
    they lead to an invalid structure (even if the transformation is matched
    with the selection).
  - the last modification time of the file HTML.trans is checked before it is
  - in V 0.8, if the parser detects an error in HTML.trans, the transformation
    process is stopped. Now, the parser skips the invalid transformation.
  - error messages are displayed in the command line.

* Colors palette displays the foreground and background colors of the element
  selected when the palette is opened. The highlight allows user to choose the
  same colors for different elements .
  It is also possible now to remove color styles just using the "standard
  color" button in the palette.

* Forms:
  - can now send forms using GET and POST actions to protected/unprotected
  - It is now possible to create and activate by double-click forms with
    the new release of Amaya (except for password items).

* HTML 3.2
  - the latest extensions of HTML 3.2. have been added: tag BASEFONT and
    attributes width and height for tags TH and TD.
  - It is now possible to add comments in HTML documents.

* User Interface
  - When the current selection is within a PRE element, some menu entries are
    disabled: Image in Types menu, and Big, Small, Sub, Sup, and Font in
    Character Element menu.
  - Interpretation of "~" and "file:" in "Open" and "Save As" dialogue boxes
  - In previous versions, i B and TT buttons were never updated when selection
    changed. Now they are displayed depressed or not according to current
  - Continue scroll: it is now possible to navigate into the document just by
    moving the slide in the scroll bar.
  - Distinction between "Cancel" and "Done" buttons in dialogue boxes.

* Set up of the Registry

* Integration of libwww5.0a, giving among other things: HTTP/1.1 and
  keep-alive connections.

* Reload function has been added.

* Spell checker is now available for English and French, but both dictionaries are not complete.

Fixed bugs:

* The HTML parser inserted a space at the beginning of a new line
  generated by a <BR> tag followed by new line in the source file.

* Call "Change link" from Links menu and click in the document itself.
  The dialog box for entering the URL of the target was empty in previous
  versions. Now it contains the current value of attribute HREF.

* Select some characters, call "Create link" from Link menu and click in
  the document itself. Do not enter anything in the dialogue box for the URL
  and press the Cancel button in this dialogue box. Later, call the Change link
  command for entering an actual URL for that anchor. Nothing happened in
  previous versions. Now you can change the URL.

* Some elements were lost during structure transformation, this is now fixed

* Structure transformation is impossible if the selection contains comments or
  invalid elements. Now transformations are possible (invalid tags are 
  removed in the new structure).

* In previous versions, if the input focus is in one window and you
  press the H1 button (or any other button of that kind) in another window
  (with a different document in it) it changes the first window. Now, the
  button does nothing.

* Colors management is completely re-casted and we hope to solve color problems
  in previous versions.

* An emphasized string (or strong or...) can now span several lines in a

* When the same Web image is shared by two loaded documents, just one local
  copy was created by Amaya and this copy was lost when the first document
  was closed. This choice causes troubles when user tried to publish the 
  second document. Now Amaya creates two copies, one for each document.

* Copy and paste on images didn't work fine in previous release.

* Sometimes, local copies of remote documents were not created in the right
  place. Now it works.

* When user closed a document view with the Window Manager, the whole
  application exited. Now only the document view is closed.

* It is now possible to save a document if it is modified and close it.

* In the previous version, Amaya did not detect the cancel of the network
  save of an object to a protected URL space.

* Inserting an image from a local directory did not react well to errors.
  This has been corrected.
* Call "Create Link" when an target anchor is selected or "Create Target" when
  a link anchor is selected, Amaya refused to add the href or name attribute.
  Now it works.
* Call "Change Link" anywhere asked to select the destination. Now this
  function works only within an link anchor.
* After loading a lot of CSS files Amaya cannot load images because
  file descriptors are not freed. Now it is correct.
* The command "Save As" doesn't work or crashes. Now it is correct.
* Bug in area-mapping (circle) fixed.
* Support of the starting option -display
* If a user gave a wrong password, Amaya did not ask the user for the
  new password. It kept using the wrong one. Fixed.
* When typing in the WYSIWYG window, clicking e.g. the "Italics"
  button enters italics mode. After typing a few italic chars one wants to
  change back to normal mode. Clicking the "Italics" button once again
  achieves this. But you can't go on typing in normal mode, because this
  second click also selects the italic text to become the active (highlighted)
  region. Simply typing ahead overwrites the whole (italic) region.
  This bug is fixed.
* The implicit break following the <HR> failed to appear when a <FONT> tag
  follows <BR>.  The text within the FONT construct appeared to the right of
  the horizontal rule.  This bug is fixed
* When typing in the WYSIWYG window, clicking e.g. the "Italics" button
  enters italics mode. After typing a few italic chars one wants to change
  back to normal mode. Clicking the "Italics" button once again achieves this.
  But you can't go on typing in normal mode, because this second click also
  selects the italic text to become the active (highlighted) region. Simply
  typing ahead overwrites the whole (italic) region. This bug is fixed.
* Printing with "US" paper size doesn't work. Now it is OK.
* When changing attribut "align" for an element DIV containing paragraphs,
  the paragraphs were not redisplayed with the alignment defined by the
  attribute but they moved in an odd way in the Structure view.
  This bug is fixed.

Received on Thursday, 14 November 1996 20:45:46 UTC