Amaya : some proposals

Why is'nt there an "undo" option in the Edit menu ?

Why not having the options "cut/copy/paste/undo/back/forward"
on the right button of the mouse ?

Tony Reix

			"Delenda est Carthago !"
Name:		Tony Reix ( )
Company:	Bull SA	(Unix Center, OSPBU / Internet/Security, Serviceability)
Address:	BULL, 1 rue de Provence, BP 208, 38432 Echirolles Cedex, France
Phone (<=18/10)	(33) 76 29 75 00 ext. 7267
Phone (> 18/10) 04 76 29 75 00 ext 7267, or (33) 4 76 29 75 00 ext. 7267
Fax:		(33) 76 29 76 00
Bull Phone:	229-7267
Bull Address:	FREC B1-224

Received on Friday, 18 October 1996 12:20:08 UTC