HOWTO debug Amaya install problems (Was : Linux problem with Amaya)

>So if anyone on the Amaya team can give some suggestions on this,
>I would appreciate it!
>Timothy Fossum -- Computer Science and Engineering Dept. -- UW-Parkside
>900 Wood Road -- Kenosha, WI 53144 -- -- 414-595-2297


Here is a check-list of things to verify in order to debug
Amaya installation problems :

0/ Of course the amaya-???.tar.gz should have extracted fine and
   you should have a /tmp user writable, and /bin/sh is a Bourne
   compatible shell .

1/ verify that your environment variables are OK :
     - DISPLAY is correctly set up
     - No THOTDIR or THOTSCH environment variable exists
     - HOME correctly points to your user home directory

   if not fix them,

2/ start the script Amaya/bin/MachineType by hand,
   it should return the correct system informations on stdout.
   Values should be :

    solaris2    on Solaris
    LINUX       on an a.out Linux system
    LINUX-ELF   on an ELF Linux system

    If not, the script is quite simple and hacking it to fit
    to your environment should not be difficult.

3/ verify that all the shared libraries needed are available :

    ldd Amaya/bin/`Amaya/bin/MachineType`/amayamain
    ldd Amaya/`Amaya/MachineType`/amayamain
    ldd Amaya/`Amaya/MachineType`/amayamain

   should not show any unreferenced library, if not contact your
   system administrator to get your system updated. On Linux we
   need X11R6 libraries and on Solaris the /usr/openwin ones.

4/ Check your network connectivity, try to ping or Upon startup, if no argument is passed to
   amaya command line, it will try to fetch the Amaya page from . If your name resolution service is not properly
   installed Amaya may freeze, name resolution being a blocking
   syscall on Unix.

5/ Launch Amaya/bin/amaya, with the filename of a
   local HTML page given as the only argument.
   If the amaya windows shows the page, perfect go to 7/, this mean
   that you have a problem accessing files thought the network.
   Overwise, try to see if the amayamain process is still running.
   If needed kill it.

6/ If step 5/ failed without showing up the window, the best way
   is to use syscall tracing facilities to debug what's happening.
   Thees utilities are strace on Linux (available in d3 package of
   slackware distribution) and truss on Solaris system. On both machine
   these install to /usr/bin .
   One need to modify the Amaya/bin/amaya script (do a backup first !).
   Replace the 6 last lines :

if [ "$1" = "" ]
    ${THOTBIN}/amayamain $HOME_PAGE 2> /dev/null >/dev/null &
    ${THOTBIN}/amayamain $* 2> /dev/null >/dev/null &


/usr/bin/strace -o /tmp/amaya.trace ${THOTBIN}/amayamain $*

/usr/bin/struss -o /tmp/amaya.trace ${THOTBIN}/amayamain $*

    and restart step 5/ .
    The file /tmp/amaya.trace should have been created, usually
    one can find the problem at the end of this file, with a failing
    syscall, probably related to a filesystem access error.
    Decripting the strace (truss) output might not be easy for a
    non Unix programmer, if you are really in trouble you can
    download it to , people
    around may help you.

  This HOWTO is probably not complete, but all the basic steps here
should help you debug a non working Amaya environment. It will
eventually be turned into a WWW page.

   Hope this help,


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Received on Wednesday, 18 September 1996 10:52:34 UTC