Amaya resources

Dear Amaya team,

I have been trying to use Amaya Alpha 0.8a (Linux ELF) and
need some help specifying the colors of a few
fields on the screen

I have set up my .Xresources so the my xterms appear as
gold on blue  (this is easier to read)

*background:                    blue4
*foreground:                    gold2
*cursorColor:                   gold2

If I issue the command
 xrdb -remove '*foreground'
Then Amaya is usable, but otherwise it is difficult
to read

I tried specifying the amaya foreground using the
following xrdb entries, and most of Amaya is readable
except for the following fields on the screen
  "Location", "Title" and the status bar at the
bottom of the window.
Is there a way to have Amaya to not be influenced
by the *foreground?  I haven't found a way to
tell my xterms to use the colors I desire except
to be as general as I mentioned above.
I am looking for a way to specify the Amaya foreground
color, can you help?

amaya*DocSelectColor:  White
amaya*background:            	grey
amaya*cursorColor:			Black
amaya*foreground:            	Black
*DtTerm*foreground:	Black
*XmCascadeButton*foreground:	Black
*XmCascadeButtonGadget*foreground:	Black
*XmDialogShell*foreground:	Black
*XmMenuShell*foreground:	Black
*XmText*foreground:	Black
*XmTextField*foreground:	Black

I guessed at the above strings by running strings on
the amaya binary.

Thanks for your help
 David Dyck

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 1996 21:01:22 UTC