Re: Bugs in Amaya 0.8 Alpha

>  1. When trying to set a SPAN to bold italic, I only get italic.

I suppose you use item Character Style from the Style menu.
The problem comes from the standard fonts available in X-Window.
There is probably no bold italic font. But check in the Structure view:
the style attribute associated with the SPAN is ok.

>  2. It seems impossible to remove underlining once it has been
>  set. Selecting `normal' in the character style box doesn't seem to
>  work.

I have tried. It works. Could you give me more details about the
context in which it occurs?

>  3. The cursor-left key makes the cursor jump to random places. Usually
>  a few lines before where it should be. Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B sometimes do
>  the same. (But I like the extra left/right required to cross an
>  invisible element boundary; unfortunately, it doesn't always work.)

It doesn't happen here. Could you give me more details?
Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B are not equivalent to cursor-right and cursor-left.
They move the current selection element by element, not character by

Some bugs have been fixed recently. You could perhaps get a new copy
of Amaya. The latest version has been released on July 15.


Received on Friday, 26 July 1996 15:47:45 UTC