Re: Problems compiling Amaya 11.2 on FreeBSD

Irene Vatton wrote:
> Le samedi 19 septembre 2009 à 00:45 +0200, Philipp Ost a écrit :
>> Irene Vatton wrote:
>>> Le mercredi 09 septembre 2009 à 23:16 +0200, Philipp Ost a écrit :
>> [...]
>>>> I looked for _NL_MESSAGES_CODESET on my system but couldn't find 
>>>> anything. Neither did Google.
>>>> Where does this thing come from? How to resolve this?
>>> Normally this value is defined in my system in /usr/include/langinfo.h
>> On the systems I have available here (FreeBSD 8.0/9.0, Solaris 10/SXCE 
>> (sparc, amd64) I can't find any reference to _NL_MESSAGES_CODESET in 
>> /usr/include/*.
>> I was able to get past this point by replacing it with LC_MESSAGES.
> I suggest to add a -D_FREEBSD option
[suggested changes snipped]

I thought about something like this, too. I currently don't have much 
time to work on it, but I try to do my best.

Apart from that, the changes I made could need some cleanup too...

Thanks for the help so far!


Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 21:30:14 UTC