A student hopes to learn more about the Amaya Community and the Free/Open Source Software

Dear friends,

I have been reading your postings to the mailing list of Amaya Project.
I have really enjoyed reading about your collaborative creative
activities and your perspectives on the free/open source software.

My name is Tiebing Shi and I am a Ph.D. student at Queen's University
in Canada. I am very interested in learning more about the Free/Open
Source Software Community. The study that I am doing for my Ph.D. thesis
is called "User Creativity: An Investigation of the Free/Open Source
Software Community." The purpose of my thesis is to study how developers
who are often users collectively create free/open source software.

I sincerely invite you to participate in my study. I would like to
interview you in your role as a developer and user in the Amaya Community.
Your experiences of developing and using Amaya and your perspectives
on the free/open source software will greatly help me to understand
the creative activities of the Amaya Community. If your time permits,
I would like to interview you via phone. The phone interview will last
about 1 hour. If you like, we can conduct our interview via email.

Please be kindly informed that there is no obligation to participate
in this study. But your participation will be highly appreciated.
Your confidentiality will be protected. For example, your real name
will NOT be used in my thesis and future publications. Further
information about this study and our interview will be provided to
you upon request.

Please respond to this email to let me know your interest in
participating in a phone or an email interview with me. If you select
the phone interview format, please select a time for an interview that
is most convenient for you. Please also let me know your phone number
and time zone (my time zone is Eastern Daylight Time) so that I can
call you at your local time you select.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will respond to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to talking with you.

Best regards,

Tiebing Shi
Queen's School of Business, Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6
Tel: 613-533-2377 (Office)
Email: tshi@business.queensu.ca

Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 10:12:26 UTC