[Announce] Amaya 10 pre-release


The pre-release of Amaya 10 is now available. 

Major changes are:
 o A contextual menu,
 o A complete redesign of the user interface: new toolbars, palettes, panels
 0 Four different Amaya profiles
 o Amaya themes,
 o The File menu gives now access to the list of recent open documents
 o There is now a Select All command
 o Amaya proposes new options when a table, an image or an object are created
 o A new handling of the selection within tables
 o The links view display all elements with an id attribute
 o Class attributes are now displayed in the status bar
 o A Save As option to save without template

The final release Amaya 10 should be published mid February.
The documentation is not updated today, but it will be done with the release.

As usual, your feedback is welcome,
Irène Vatton @ INRIA Rhône-Alpes

Received on Friday, 1 February 2008 16:49:55 UTC