Re: Debian patches review

On Fri, August 24, 2007 12:06, Irene Vatton wrote:
>> * cflags_cleanup.diff : removes the forcing of CFLAGS, so they can be
>> set
>> when calling configure.
>> * rdf_conf_in_conf.diff : moves the call to redland configure from
>> to
>> * raptor.diff : only use libraptor instead of librdf, as no symbol from
>> the redland library is actually used.
>> * enable_system_libwww.diff : add a "--enable-system-libww" flag, and
>> moves the call to the libwww configure to

> I reverted the second and the third one because I was not able to generate
> a
> rpm with these patches (raptor is not found).
> Unfortunately I'm not able to explain more.

Is there a chance to have the exact error message, or even better a full
build log ? It would really help to fix the issue, whatever it is.


Received on Friday, 31 August 2007 14:10:25 UTC