Re: [amaya-dev]Re: More questions abour the build system

At 22:43 06/10/16, Irene Vatton wrote:
>On Saturday 14 October 2006 21:42, Regis Boudin wrote:
>> Also, to react on Hugh Sasse, I certainly second the request to have a
>> tarball unpacking everything into a subdirectory. Though I'm trying to
>> move away from the fullsrc archive for the Debian package, I was
>> disappointed to end up with 5 directories the first time...
>Yes, I agree with the Hugh request.
>I guess we also have to generate two different fullsrc archives: one for 
>Windows and another for Linux and MacOs platforms.
>Today the fullsrc archive includes the Mesa library that is not needed on 
>Windows platforms, and libraries that are only needed on Windows platforms 
>(png, jpeg, freetype), but this should be prepared and experimented.

If this can be done easily, and in a way that guarantees that
the two archives don't differ other than for the included/excluded
libraries, it may be okay. Otherwise, I suggest to just leave
everything in. These days, both bandwidth and harddisk space are
rather cheap, people only rarely should need to get the fullscr
archive, and there are cases where people want to use the same
archive for different architectures. Having just one full source
archive eliminates a lot of potential problems with synchronization.

>> I would also suggest to move to automake instead of the home-made
>>, and would be happy to do some work on that.

Great to find an automake expert! I've read a book about automake
and related tools, but still feel I have no clue about how this
really works. If you have any hints on how to understand this,
they would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you want to help
with adding the necessary files for integrating idnkit into
libwww (which would make Amaya support internationalized domain
names on all platforms), that would be great. I can explain more
on this list, or can contact you directly.

Regards,     Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2006 03:05:24 UTC