Re: font checking problem

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:48:07 +0900 (Atsuhiko Yamanaka) wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks to nice fontconfig system, I can display multi-byte (in my case, 
> Japanese) characters on Gtk-Amaya, but Gtk-Amaya and xfs eat up many CPU time.
> It seems that, whenever calculating character-width for each characters by
> calling BoxCharacterWidth(in thotlib/dialogue/font.c),
> XListFonts is called(in IsXLFDPatterneAFont of thotlib/dialogue/fontconfig.c)
> and such frequent XListFonts calling has caused this problem.
> How about calling IsXLFDPatterneAFont only one time for each XLFD?
> I will post a patch.
> Thanks,
> --
> ymnk

Thanks for your contribution that we'll integrate it as soon as possible.

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 04:05:32 UTC