color inheritance from browser settings

It seems that the background color setting is not picked up
by elements from the browser setting.  For example if I set
my background to grey in the browser  and display a page
such as   most of the background areas
are grey but some are WHITE --- these seem to be where 
  blocks of titles or hyperlinks occur. 
It may be due to w3 setting every background-color when they
   set color (which is correct for accessibility) but then they
  forgot to set the basic document to white ....   
It is perhaps a w3 authoring problem and not Amaya but if
staff could check by setting UA background to grey and 
then accessing the site to see what i am seeing
and then deciding on whose problem it is ...
thank you !

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Friday, 9 March 2001 16:07:21 UTC