using the help documentation

Well when all else fails, RTFM!  ;-]
So i gotto the doc called browsing.html  
entitled Browsing With Amaya

Under the topic Browsing versus Editting
specific mention is made to the Editor Mode selection
and its alternate the Editor Icon on the toolbar.

The reference specifically says in Browse (non-edit mode)
one can do form entries .... so it is a bug and not a lack
of understanding of mode operation!!!

Also a second error was spotted (i aways seem to spot
 something extra (serendipity mode) while testing for
a specific issue ... on double clicking the hotspot
activating links i checked the status line for the url
the directory and anchor were shown  but not the 
document name !!!   oops!

And on formtest.htm in my directory TEST 2 shows
that disabled buttons can be selected (if in editor mode ;-])
and also that the reset button clears radio butoons but
not checkboxes .... another case of seeing something more
than what i was testing for ....  hope someone is really
diving into forms stuff for next revision. 

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 15:32:03 UTC