Configuring Amaya

I am wondering how to do a few things.  I've been looking around the source
and can't seem to find out where these two things are defined/changed.  I'm
working in MS Windows 98SE with Visual C++ 5.0.

Here's what I want to do:

1.  Add something to the Title Menu like

    WebPage Title - Microsoft Internet Explorer

2.  Removing the Title TextArea in the Address_Title thing. I've been
looking around for how this is defined and it seems that they're working
together and I've only been able to turn one or the other off.  Is there a
way to take the Title out of there?  Also, where is this stuff defined?

3.  Resizing the button bar.  It's 16x16 but I want to change it to a
cleaner 32x32... I tried changing the resource file but it just resulted in
bad clipping.

4.  Swap the menu bars around and perhaps put on in the other.  For example,
if I want to put Edit in the File menu is there a simple way to do this
without having to rewrite en-amayadialogue and then rescanning it?  Can a
new en-amayadialogue be generated from the old one and a new EditorDialogue
or Editor.h?

Thanks for any help, if any of these are long and involved steps I can send
a log of what I've done already...


Received on Thursday, 6 January 2000 19:17:06 UTC