Re: Interesting note about executable name

In our previous episode, John Logan said:
> That's interesting that Amaya reads its own name and reads files in based on 
> that name.  Is there some design issue related to this?  Also, is this the 
> same case for amaya.profiles (is it read in like $(appName).profiles or just 
> hard coded because I noticed that it wasn't reading amaya.profiles when the 
> exe was amaya1.exe

This is a legacy issue. The thotlib can be used by a number of applications.
Previously, many of the files that the thotlib opens were stored in the
same directory and we used the application name to distinguish between
those files. Later, on files that were opened only by amaya, we hardcoded
the "amaya" prefix. 

We could try to harmonize the whole thing, for example by initializing the
application name with a given string or using the bin executable name
throughout. However, this doesn't seem to be a blocking issue so we'll let
it as it is until the next rainy afternoon (unless someone objects).
If someone wants to work on this, contributions are welcome :)


Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2000 09:18:40 UTC