Re: Resend, might have failed: Problem with window modality in Amaya

Hi David,

Your question concerns the Win32 API and not the current Amaya code.
It's difficult for us to give you an answer.

In-reply-to: Your message of Sat, 12 Feb 2000 02:21:25 -0800."
> Sorry if this is a repeat, it might have failed the first time.
> Here's what I'm trying to do.  I'm trying to create a generic Help function
> that I can call from any Dialog box that  recieves a Document, View and char
> string of an http to open.  Here's my function:
> OpenGenericHelp (Document document, View view, char http[100])
> {  document = GetHTMLName(http, NULL etc etc)
> }
> (or something to that effect).  So let's say I add a button to the
> SaveAsDialogProc function in windialog.api that if someone presses Help, it
> opens a new window with the help documentation like so:
>   OpenGenericHelp (0,0,"");
>   break;
> the function works, it opens a new window with the help documentation
> however...
> 1.  if I close the new help window, that closes the dialog box that
> initiated it causing of course, Amaya to be stuck where it was (because the
> focus never was shifted back from the dialog box where the new document was
> instantiated)
> 2.  If I open the new document and then hit OK or Cancel in the box that
> initiated that new Window, then both windows remain alive and also I can
> close the help one and go back to the other one okay.
> Any ideas, is this something to do with View or Document?  Could someone
> tell me how to use these variables?
> David


Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2000 04:00:16 UTC