version 2.3 bugs in windows 95

the download and the install procedures went
very smooth this time.  Unfortunately there are
some bugs remaining that had been reported 
in version .2
1] cache directory name will not allow spaces
 in folder name.  For example i want to use 
 c:/Program Files/Amaya/blahblah to 
associate the cache with the Amaya stuff.
each attempt to save this removes the space
so i get a new folder called programfiles

2] the default background color (light-grey) is
still not rendered correctly in a 256 color pallette
[not everyone has tru color pallette available and
256 color should be tested as well as 640x480]
it turns out white with blue dots...... several other
colors are not handled well either.

3] My site starts with a frameset page.  This doc
verifies under tidy.exe as a 4.01 frameset but 
does not display correctly with Amaya.  There are
many sites out there with frames and frames is
not a new concept so it is surprising that it can't
be interpreted......

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA


Received on Thursday, 16 December 1999 15:46:39 UTC