[aapi] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Apr 22 2014

Agenda: Tue Apr 22, 2014

Time of meeting is 3:00 PM EDT, 12:00 Noon PDT, 20:00 UTC, duration is 1 

agenda: this
agenda+ Future meetings while Joseph is away.
agenda+ ISSUE/590/ACTION-1422 (All) Update:  Label role and aria-labelfor.
agenda+ ISSUE-481/ACTION-1368/ACTION-1369 (Cynthia, David): Investigate 
IE/FF implementation of aria-live region events.
agenda+ ACTION-1408 (Joseph): Email from Jason Kiss re: AAPI that 
describes API differences.
agenda+ ISSUE-583/ISSUE-653: (Joseph):  Update regarding status; new 
wrinkle due to ref-by-selector.
agenda+ ACTION-1102 (David): Possible to change "SHOULD expose" to "expose"?
agenda+ ISSUE-628 (Cynthia): Forward compatibility for states and 
properties with respect to browsers.
agenda+ ACTION-1371/ISSUE-618 (Cynthia): Test case for IE selection on a 
single selection container when item becomes unselected.
agenda+ 1.1 ISSUES and ACTIONS: (All)  Start with ACTION-842, 
agenda+ be done.

Dial the Zakim bridge using either PSTN or SIP:
PSTN: +1.617.761.6200  (U.S. number)
SIP: zakim@voip.w3.org

Passcode: 2274# ("AAPI")

IRC:  irc.w3.org, port: 6665
Channel: #aapi

Minutes from last meeting:


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 18:43:59 UTC