Re: suggest deprecating alertdialog role in ARIA 1.1

On Sep 12, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Joshue O Connor <> wrote:

> HI Greg,
>> Here is a sample page demonstrating it.
> Interestingly neither the role="dialog" nor the role="alertdialog" are picked up by VoiceOver.
> James, is this a bug in VO?

My assumption is that it's not a bug, but it's difficult to tell because it's only a partial (potentially invalid) test case. The dialog has no label or labelledby relationship, and focus is not set in it based on some triggered user action. There is a major functional difference between the focus() method and a focus event, which that test case ignores.

Here's a better test case that pops open a labeled model dialog and focuses an element in the dialog, which is the intended use of these roles. As you can see, VoiceOver behaves correctly.


Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 20:26:58 UTC