Re: From the HTML-WG about aria-hidden

Leif Halvard Silli <xn--mlform-iua@må> wrote:
> I agree with you with regard to the short term. But until the vendors 
> step up, it seems not exactly unlikely, that the short term effect 
> would only be that @longdesc becomes conforming - but without improved 
> support in UAs in the nearest time frame. It is quite possible that 
> legacy UAs with bad support for <object>, will be replaced with new UAs 
> with good <object> support faster than new UAs with @longdesc support 
> can be introduced.

Either outcome would solve the problem. My personal preference is for <object>
on grounds of good design, but I still think that if one wants to overcome the
inadequacies of <img> (in so far as this can be done), @longdesc is the best
option so far suggested.

Without UA implementors involved in this discussion, I think predictions about
what they might or might not choose to support can be speculative at best.
I also wonder whether this decision would be different if proponents of
accessibility offered to write the implementations and submit patches to the
free and open-source UAs. That way, the organizational sponsors of those
projects wouldn't have to commit resources to doing the work, and the
discussion would then be entirely a question of the merits or otherwise of the
proposed changes.

Received on Friday, 17 February 2012 22:37:12 UTC