Re: ACTION-128: Draft @summary voting text in conjunction with PF

Hi maciej,
I am concerned that if the current wording of the spec is accepted we have a
situation where one W3C specification - WCAG 2.0  encourages the use of the
summary attribute, while the W3C html 5 specification discourages it.

For my part, if the HTML WG and WAI could reach a mutual stance on this,
then consensus within the HTML WG would have a better chance of being
reached without the need for a vote.

2009/7/8 Maciej Stachowiak <>

> I'd like to ask, at this point, if we have consensus on the new state of
> the spec on this, and can forgo a vote.
>  - Maciej
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 1:31 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> Joshue,
>> Given the recent changes to the spec, two of the options I previously
>> suggested for the vote are now equivalent, so I propose we change the
>> options we propose to the working group this Thursday to:
>>  What do you think HTML5 should say about making complex data tables
>>  more accessible?
>>   ( ) HTML5 should encourage authors to use the summary="" attribute
>>       that was introduced in HTML4.
>>   ( ) The text currently in the HTML5 spec, discouraging summary="" but
>>       encouraging other mechanisms for describing tables, is fine.
>>   ( ) Something else, described below.
>>  If you said "something else", please describe it here: [_____]
>> I think if we have these options we should definitely also include a
>> 150-word essay for each of the first two options, written by proponents of
>> those options, that argue each case, so that people who aren't familiar
>> with the issues can read up on them before voting.
>> What do you think? Is this what we should propose to the working group?
>> Sam informs me that we're supposed to decide this by tomorrow (Thursday),
>> for presentation to the group by the conference call.
>> --
>> Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
>>       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
>> Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2009 09:39:33 UTC