Re: ARIA: proposed changes to the class inheritance hierarchy for button, checkbox, radio, and menuitemradio.

On 7 Dec 2008, at 11:44 PM, James Craig wrote:

> I'd like to propose a series of changes to the ARIA class  
> inheritance hierarchy for button, checkbox, radio, and  
> menuitemradio. They are somewhat interdependent, so I'm proposing  
> them as a set of changes rather than individual issues.
> 1. BUTTON should inherit from INPUT, not WIDGET.
> 2. CHECKBOX should inherit from BUTTON, not INPUT. A checkbox is a  
> type of toggle button.)
> 3. RADIO inherits from CHECKBOX, and RADIOGROUP inherits from  
> SELECT, so RADIO should inherit from both CHECKBOX and OPTION.
> 4. RADIO inherits from CHECKBOX, so MENUITEMRADIO should inherit  
> from MENUITEMCHECKBOX and RADIO. It currently inherits from  

I understand James's revised proposal to be

> 1. BUTTON should inherit from INPUT, not WIDGET.
> 2. RADIO inherits from CHECKBOX, and RADIOGROUP inherits from  
> SELECT, so RADIO should inherit from both CHECKBOX and OPTION.
> 3. RADIO inherits from CHECKBOX, so MENUITEMRADIO should inherit  
> from MENUITEMCHECKBOX and RADIO. It currently inherits from  

I agree with those three.


PS: relates to ISSUE-90

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 15:33:00 UTC