RE: @summary in the wild (was FW: [WebAIM] Jaws 11 and table summary)

Thanks John,

For what it's worth, @summary is a required attribute of the RGAA 2, the
French adaptation of WCAG2 destined to all public service web sites.

So yes, it is in use, and possibly it's going to be more and more in use in
Kind regards,
Stéphane Deschamps
Orange-France Telecom Group / IT Accessibility

-----Message d'origine-----
De :
[] De la part de John Foliot
Envoyé : mercredi 9 décembre 2009 00:41
À : 'HTML Accessibility Task Force'
Objet : @summary in the wild (was FW: [WebAIM] Jaws 11 and table summary)

Just passing on this tid-bit as more 'proof' of @summary usage in the
wild.  I neither know Hamish, nor am I aware of the page(s) he was testing
out, but the tone of his posting suggests to me that he actively seeks out
@summary content whenever possible - so yes, some users expect it and some
content providers provide it.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mackenzie,
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 2:36 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List
Subject: [WebAIM] Jaws 11 and table summary

Hi All 

I have discovered what I think might be a bug in Jaws 11 and would like
some confirmation that others may be experiencing the same.

At work we are unfortunately still using IE6 and I have noticed that the
table summary is not actually being read any more with Jaws 11.  Rather
than hearing the text of the summary I just hear the word summary.  I
have tested the same few pages with Jaws 10 and Jaws 9 and they both
read the summary just fine, as does firefox with all those versions of

When I got home last night I tried out the same pages with Jaws 11 and
IE8 and the summary worked fine.  I don't have a pc running a build of
IE 7 so cant test with that, and was wondering if anyone else might be
able to have a look.

In conclusion I think that the latest version of Jaws has broken support
for table summaries in IE6 and possibly 7 but it seems fine in Ie8.

wondering if anyone can confirm or deny.



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