Re: ACTION Item: Rich review Accordon

Hi Earl,

Response below.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist

"Earl Johnson" <> wrote on 10/09/2008 01:00:49 PM:

> "Earl Johnson" <>
> 10/09/2008 01:00 PM
> To
> Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
> cc
> " WAI-XTECH" <>, Becky Gibson/
> Westford/IBM@Lotus, "Protocols and Formats Working Group WG" <w3c-
> Subject
> Re: ACTION Item: Rich review Accordon
> Hi;
> Inline.

> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <
> > wrote:
> A lot of great work by the style guide team!
> I am reading the accordion style guide and have a number of
> questions. Initial impression is it is too complicated, largely due
> to the pop-up menu piece and inconsistencies with tabpanel:
> EJ  The one most benefiting of simplification is Tab navigation.
> Since you observe, in what ways might you simplify the complexities
> that aren't covered below?
> Why does an accordion have to have a menu? This sounds like an
> additional feature. Anything can have a context menu so why must
> this be specific to an accordion. Shouldn't shift+F10 be the same
> for all pop-up context menus?
> EJ  It doesn't have; the style guide spec included it to give
> guidance on what to do if it was included. I assume you mention
> shift+F10 because of control+F10. Shift+F10 should be what was
> recommended instead.
What I am suggesting is to have a set of global keyboard commands - ones
apply to all widgets. We used this concept for ARIA properties.

I am also looking at this like the inheritance model we have in ARIA. I
would like
accordion to be thought of as a subclass of tabpanel. Consequently, as many
of the
keyboard commands used in tabpanel should be used in accordion.

So, looking at inheritance, why couldn't a notebook tab have a menu button?

Note: I tried ctrl up/down in the example you gave and it did not work.

>    Donald: Would you change Control+F10 to Shift+F10 to ffix my
> mistake, this keeps coming up.?

I am not sure what the difference is between the two other than ctrl+F10
brings you
to the browser menu on Windows. I think context menu launching should be
system wide.

> Why does tabpanel not support space or enter to open the panel?
> James Craig said you wanted the behavior closer to tabpanel yet you
> have an inconsistency.
> EJ   It does. Here's the excerpt.
> Enter/Space
> Toggles the accordion  Content open [or close] when Input Focus is
> on its accordion tab Label
Earl, you misunderstood the question. Why does tabpanel (not the accordion)
not support enter/space?
It is inconsistent with accordion which does.

> Why does accordion not support alt+del like tabpanel?
> EJ   The accordion example I was defining keynav for [below] didn't
> call for the function in its spec and our styleguide review didn't
> catch it was missing. I'm curious tho, what use applications would
> an accordion widget with deletable panes be used for?

I don't know. Again, I want to emphasize the inheritance model. If an
accordion were a multiselectable tabpanel and a tabpanel allowed the user
to delete
a panel, why shouldn't the accordion? What is so special about the
accordion that
you would not allow this?

> What are the interactive glyphs on the tab header? Why could these
> not be placed on a pop-up context menu. Seems like it complicates
> the UI. We had a similar discussion with the IBM mashup team.
> EJ   The spec I defined keynav for used glyphs whose functions are
> akin to the window manager's Minimize, Maximize, Close glyphs.

Did you mean collapse all, expand all, an refresh? How do you get to these
the keyboard?

> Glyphs or Popup are each legitemate UI design choices.
> Do you have a link to an example we can see on the Monday ARIA call?
> EJ   See
>       It set the wairole as a tablist. Keynav is a bit quirky for meat
> Ear;l

Please come to the Monday PF call.

> Suggestion per the ARIA call this week:
> - Give the accordion a role of "tabpanel" but assign it the aria-
> multiselectable property. This would indicate to the AT that this
> was a multislectable tabpanel which a screen reader could say
> "accordion." This menus that multiple tabs could be selected at a
> time. Authors would then be required to set the aria-selected="true"
> on each selected (opened) tab.
> I am putting this on the ARIA call for Monday. Addressing accordion
> is something we need to do. We would like to do so by reusing
> existing ARIA roles and properties.
> For quick reference:
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
> blog:
> --
> Earl

Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 15:32:38 UTC