Issue with IE 8 implementation of propertyChange event

This is an issue that I think Aaron has brought up related IE 7 and 8 implementations, but has specific concerns with the "onpropertychange" event.  It seems it defines a camel coded property name for the propertyName, which results in having to check for both "aria-xxx" and "ariaXxx" values in property changes.

Example code:

function handleCheckboxModifyEvent(event, checkbox){

   // If IE get the IE event object
   var e = event || window.event;

   // Check to see if ARIA property was changed
   if(  (browser.attrName(e) == "aria-checked" ) ||
        (browser.attrName(e) == "ariaChecked" ) )   {

     // Remind IE to update styling based on property change
     checkbox.node.className += "";

   } // endif

    return browser.stopPropagation(e);

} // end 

This is significant since the property change event is needed to let scripts respond to AT changes in property.  This would require developers to include both methods of checking for ARIA attributes.  I guess tests like this can just be abstracted like other IE differences with other event processing modules. 

Is this going to be considered a "conforming" implementation of ARIA?

Full example:

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D.
Coordinator Information Technology Accessibility
Disability Resources and Educational Services

Rehabilitation Education Center
Room 86
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, Illinois 61821

Voice: (217) 244-5870


Received on Friday, 7 November 2008 22:03:48 UTC