Re: DHTML Style Guide - proposed behavior for Rich Text Editor

Becky, Jon,

Jon wrote:
> Isn't it important for speech users to know about disabled controls in a Toolbar.  If disabled controls are taken out of the keyboard navigation, how will screen reader user know they are there?
Indeed.  What is needed is the ability to navigate among all controls, 
included disabled ones -- tools in toolbars, menu items in menus, menus 
in menu bars, and so on.  And, there should be the audio equivalent of 
that tool being "greyed out", indicating that it is disabled.

But, this should be limited to navigation and exploration.  Obviously, 
disabled controls shouldn't activate.


'This is not war -- this is pest control!'
      - "Doomsday", Dalek Leader -

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 19:19:10 UTC