closing a Tab?

In the Best Practices we have a dangling question:


Unresolved at time of port from DHTML wiki: How to indicate that a  
tab panel can be deleted? Visually a close icon can be provided in  
the upper right hand corner of the tab which the user can click on to  
delete the tab panel. Putting this close icon in the navigation  
sequence would make extra navigation. Is there some way to indicate  
to a non-visual user that a tab panel can be deleted with a defined  
keystroke? Perhaps we can capture ctrl-w (the key used in Firefox and  
IE 7) to close a tab? T * here is still the issue of the user knowing  
that the tab is closable or not. Another option is to provide a  
context menu. With focus on the tab title the user would press shift- 
F10 to invoke a context menu - the context menu would have the close  
option. In both of these cases if the tab can not be closed, it still  
needs to capture the keystroke so that it doesn't get bubbled up and  
handled by the browser. Retrieved from " 



Could you get this on the agenda for the Style
Guide Group to suggest a preferred user experience?


/satisfying ACTION-101

PS:  I didn't immediately find an answer at

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2008 20:06:29 UTC