Re: aria-flowto changes user-agent behavior, which isn't the intended purpose of ARIA

But that could result in a different tab order and behavior when  
assistive technology is running than when it is not, or a different  
behavior between different types of AT with varying levels of support  
for aria-flowto, and it could potentially conflict with a host  
language feature (like nextfocus in XHTML 2). I'm still not sure this  
is a good idea.

On Dec 8, 2008, at 12:23 AM, Aaron M Leventhal wrote:

> I agree that this is wrong because it goes against the purpose of  
> ARIA, but I think it's just incorrectly worded. The text in the spec  
> should say something like "aria-flowto recommends a document reading  
> to assistive technologies".
> - Aaron
> From:	James Craig <>
> To:	WAI XTech <>
> Date:	12/08/2008 08:59 AM
> Subject:	aria-flowto changes user-agent behavior, which isn't the  
> intended purpose of ARIA
> aria-flowto changes user agent behavior, which isn't the intended  
> purpose of ARIA.
> If ARIA really needs this, we should move it to section 6.2.3 and  
> make it a requirement of implementing host languages.

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 08:50:22 UTC