Re: Action 291: Drag Drop BPG update


I found a couple of spelling and grammatical errors in the update.  And, 
for section "6. Clean-up after drag/drop", I suggest something be said 
about the  aria-grab and aria-dropeffect values upon clean-up.

Towards the end of section "1. Identify draggable objects" (second last 
paragraph) is this sentence:
> At this point, drop targets cannot be consistently determined as 
> targets capable of receiving a draggable object don't yet know if the 
> object you are dragging can be received in a drop operation. 
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.

The second paragraph of section "4. Implement keyboard functionality 
which assist the user and AT with executing the drop" has the sentence:
> Control+V should be used to provide the mose intuitive type of drop, 
> either copy, move, or a shortcut.
That should be:  "Control+V should be used to provide the most intuitive 
type of drop, either copy, move, or a shortcut."  (The mispelled word is 

Also, the section ends with the statement regarding dismissing the 
drop-effect popup menu saying that, "...the application must dismiss the 
menu, returning focus to the last object selected for grab."  Why would 
focus not stay on the drop target that spawned the menu?  That is, if 
the user has navigated to a drop target, invoked a menu on it, and then 
dismissed that menu, why reset their focus to the last selected 
draggable?  I'm not sure of the rationale here.  For example, if users 
are exploring drop targets to see what is available, having to start 
that exploration all over if they dismiss a particular (droptarget, 
operation) combination would be frustrating.  I suggest leaving focus on 
the most recently visited droptarget.

Regarding section "6. Clean-up after drag/drop", for completeness, it 
would be useful to say how the aria-grab and aria-dropeffect states are 
affected by clean-up.  I suggest adding a sentence to the first paragraph:

Once the drop has occurred, you should clean up the DOM as you would do 
for any drag/drop operation. You must then set focus to the appropriate 
DOM element and its role must also be determinable.

Once the drop has occurred, you should clean up the DOM as you would do 
for any drag/drop operation.  You should reset all elements with an 
aria-grab state to "supported", and all drop target elements with an 
aria-dropeffect to "none". You must then set focus to the appropriate 
DOM element and its role must also be determinable.

Hope that's helpful.


'This is not war -- this is pest control!'
      - "Doomsday", Dalek Leader -

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 15:42:53 UTC