Re: [html4all] some reflections on @alt usage

Gez Lemon wrote:
>> I think the issue should be about the integrity of the structure.

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> I think the issue should be about what makes the most content most accessible.

I think it is both.

1. The PF/WAI issue is to tell the HTMLWG what mechanisms and features
are needed to  make content accessible.

2. The HTML5 issue is to provide the mechanisms and features that WAI needs.

Making content accessible is WAI's domain. AUWG, UAWG, WCAGWG  etc are
chartered to set accessibility guidelines and HTML WG is not.

When PF says "the failure of the HTML5 draft to make @alt on <img> an
across-the-board requirement (even if sometimes it has the value of
&quot;&quot;) is a bug", as they already have [1], alt should indeed
be reinstated as a requirement in the HTML5 spec. PF's advice should
not be ignored. Lowering the structural integrity requirements of a
markup language doesn't help the people that structure was intended to
help in the first place. Putting the faults of poor authoring tools
(and authors) above the needs of a feature which allows the creation
of accessible content pays no heed to PF's guidance.

HTML5 WG should listen to PFWG on this and on the pending request for
advice regarding "what should an authoring or publishing tool insert,
in a case where no alt has been provided by the author, but the image
is known to be 'critical content'?" [2]

Best Regards,

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 18:10:06 UTC