Re: New issue: IMG section of HTML5 draft contradicts WCAG 1 & WCAG 2 (draft)

On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 09:23 +0100, Steven Faulkner wrote:
> Gregory, can you add this issue to the issue tracker. thanks.
> issue: IMG section of HTML5 draft contradicts WCAG 1 & WCAG 2 (draft).

Are you sure you want this issue to be separate from issue 31?

ISSUE-31 missing-alt Should img without alt ever be conforming

It's straightforward to change the short description of an issue.

> There has been no response from the HTML WG  to the PF WG in regards to this.

Right; the PF WG request is still pending...

> It is requested that this issue remain open until:
> Consensus has been reached by the HTML WG on normative/informative
> statements within the HTML 5 spec regarding the alt and its uses or if
> consensus cannot be reached, the issue is brought to a formal vote.

We don't current have technical support for the distinction
between "editor is done considering input so far" and "test
cases are done and the wg has decided the issue".

I need to think some more about how to handle cases
where "editor is done considering input so far" and
the outcome should be reviewed by more than just the

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 15:22:37 UTC