Drag-n-Drop Use Cases - Corrected


I accidently sent an earlier draft. The below includes a couple 
additonal use cases. I sent this as a strawman list of uses that 
may well be incomplete.

Appologies for any confusion this causes



		D-n-D Use Cases

Earl Johnson
Sun Microsystems

An object includes selected/highlighted text, graphics, etc.

These use cases are meant to hilite all that occurs from a 
mouse-only d-n-d perspective, taking you from the initial object 
selection to completion of the action. The following are d-n-d 
operations that should be possible from the keyboard when it is 
being used for d-n-d operations.

1. select, grab, move, and deposit an object to other 
2. select, grab, move, and deposit an object to someplace else in 
the current directory/area[s]
3. select, grab, move, and deposit multiple object to other 
4. select, copy, grab, move, and paste an object to other 
5. select, copy, and paste an object to the same directory/area
6. select, copy, grab, move, and paste multiple objects to 
another directory/area
7. select, copy, and paste multiple objects to the same 
8. select multiple contiguos objects
9. select discontiguos objects
10. select an object and copy it to the system clipboard
11. Cancel the Move or Copy d-n-d operation
12. visually, a d-n-d operation needs the appropriate Copy or 
Move pointer to be swapped in
	= must include a "not permitted" pointer for illegal copies and 


Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2007 03:43:22 UTC