Drag-n-Drop Use Cases


Appologies for not sending this sooner, I was OOC all last week. 
In case it is not clear, the following is given from the user's 
perspective only.



		Drag-n-Drop Use Cases

Earl Johnson
Sun Microsystems

These use cases are meant to hilite all that occurs from a
mouse-only d-n-d perspective taking you from the initial object
selection to completion of the action. The following are d-n-d
operations that should be possible from the keyboard when it can
be used for d-n-d operations.

Note: An object includes selected/highlighted text, graphics, etc.

- select, grab, move, and deposit an object to other
- select, grab, move, and deposit an object to someplace else in
the current directory/area[s]
- select, grab, move, and deposit multiple object to other
- select, copy, grab, move, and paste an object to other
- select, copy, and paste an object to the same directory/area
- select, copy, grab, move, and paste multiple objects to another
- select, copy, and paste multiple objects to the same directory/area
- select multiple contiguos objects
- select discontiguos objects
- select an object and copy it to the system clipboard
- Cancel the Move or Copy d-n-d operation
- visually, a d-n-d operation needs the appropriate Copy or Move
pointer to be swapped in
	= must include a "not permitted" pointer for illegal copies and

Received on Monday, 1 October 2007 23:04:29 UTC