FYI: TTSynth For Linux Launched

The long awaited and much requested premier Text To Speech (TTS)
software synthesizer for Linux is now available for immediate secure on
line purchase and download using a credit card from:


Available Modules Include:
     * IBM's incomparable IBM TTS text to speech (formerly called
     * Gnome-Speech patched for use with LSR and Orca
     * The TTSynth Speakup Bridge for screen reading with Speakup
     * ttsynth_say binary for the CLI or for use in scripts
     * Also supported by Emacspeak KTTS, and Speech Dispatcher

Available Languages For Linux
     * Chinese
     * English
     * Finnish
     * French
     * German
     * Italian
     * Japanese
     * Portuguese
     * Spanish

   The best is also very affordable. Your first language license is only $40 USD
and each additional language license is only $20 USD, when obtained at the
same time.

We provide TTSynth in both .rpm and .deb packages to make it easy to
install TTSynth on Fedora, Ubuntu, and most Linux distributions which
utilize these package managers.

TTSynth is a product of Capital Accessibility, LLC.


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

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Received on Thursday, 7 June 2007 20:12:31 UTC