IRC available [was: Re: Reminder: DHTML Style guide Call Tomorrow June 1 ...]

At 5:29 PM -0400 31 05 2007, Wlodkowski, Thomas wrote:
>For those interested, here's the conference bridge information for 
>tomorrow's call.
>Meeting ID: 51999

I've opened up an IRC channel using the same channel name that 
Gregory used last week.

The server is
the port number is 6665 (note this is not the normal default)
the channel is #xtech

>For more on the IRC setup and the robots available for agenda and speaker
>queuing and for posting the log to the web, see:
>- for RRSAgent, that captures and posts the log with special attention
>to action items:
>- for Zakim, the IRC interface to the bridge manager, that will
>maintain speaker and agenda queues:
>- for a Web gateway to IRC you can use if your network administrators forbid
>IRC, see:
>- for more on W3C use of IRC see:


>This is continuation of a series of biweekly calls held Friday's at 
>noon EDT. This week's agenda will focus on reaching concensis on 
>keyboard behaviors for the following widgets: tab controls, tree 
>controls and sliders. I'm not sure that we'll get through all three 
>of the widgets so anything we don't cover will be discussed on the 
>next call. Meeting minutes will also be posted and further comment 
>is encouraged on whatever decisions concerning keyboard behaviors 
>are reached during the call.
>Hope we can get a good turnout to build momentum for this work.
>Tom Wlodkowski
>Director of Accessibility, AOL LLC
>Phone: 703-265-1999
>Email: <>

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 15:59:06 UTC