QA & A11y question: new w3c validator interface

the new W3C validator interface

is intended to hide the "advanced" options from the user, unless
the "More Options" link is activated, but when i access the page
using MSIE7 and the latest build of JAWS 8x, the entire content 
of the form, including the visually obscured portion is 
articulated; moreover, when i tab navigate the form, the tab 
navigation moves from invisible checkbox to invisible form control,
until reaching the submit button...

the same user experience is replicated when i use FireVox to 
access the new validator interface -- i can tab through invisible
form controls before focus is given to the "Check" submission 

i haven't tried it with NVDA yet, as my box is unstable and i need
to reboot, but i wanted to bring this issue, and the bug report 
which i filed about it, to the attention of everyone who tracks 


1. Announcement of New Interface:

2. validator bug report:

perhaps someone from the WCAG group could respond to all to whom 
this post is addressed with a problem statement/solution


Received on Monday, 20 August 2007 22:28:50 UTC