Re: agenda item ?

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> <quote who="Matt May">
>>5. Conformance reporting mechanisms for WCAG 2
> For the most part, EARL is already working for this. Sidar and W3C have
> both produced tools which output the latest version of EARL, and there are
> a number of tools which output earlier versions.

I'm sorry, you're misunderstanding me. I'm not talking about 
evaluations, I'm talking about site-based conformance claims and scope. 
There are remaining questions in WCAG, such as what constitutes a 
resource, which need to be resolved before EARL becomes an obvious 
solution to the WG. That's going to require coordination between WCAG, 
ER, and our SemWeb friends. "Use EARL" is not a sufficient answer to 
this problem.


Received on Thursday, 12 August 2004 16:36:46 UTC