Re: agenda item ?

<quote who="Matt May">

> 5. Conformance reporting mechanisms for WCAG 2

For the most part, EARL is already working for this. Sidar and W3C have
both produced tools which output the latest version of EARL, and there are
a number of tools which output earlier versions.

I have been working recently on ways to convert reports from those tools
so they can be compared with content generated to the latest Working

My scribbles are at and
currently amount to some cwm rules that will convert AccessValet reports.
It takes me a couple of days or so to get one of these sets of rules done,
so if I can find some spare weeks....

The major drawback to doing this is that currently you have to choose a
toolset (I have chosen to use cwm, although some other tools should be
able to use the n3 rules) - when the W3C's DAWG group produces its
specification I expect to see implementation - in other words, within 12
months I should be able to rewrite the conversions to work on any
up-to-date RDF system.

As I find time I will work on this some more, as well as working with the
other Sidar developers on improving compatibility between tools, to
provide interoperable use of EARL for reporting.

(WCAG conformance reports are the very easy part of what EARL does - the
tricky things, like making it useful to help repair tools, or getting a
published specification that is valid RDF, are yet to be completely
resolved, which is why it will be nice to see the working group


Charles McCathieNevile
Fundación Sidar    

Received on Thursday, 12 August 2004 08:39:49 UTC