Re: activation / focus and users Re: Access Key

"Jon Gunderson" <>
> The other advantage of only moving focus is that if the same accesskey
> used multiple times on a page focus can move sequentially between the
> controls or links.

Also, where something happens onFocus (due to clientside-scripting) this
means that this event, and other activations (double-click equivalent
etc.) are available to the user.

I find that links are so important a straight activation is for me only
done about 50% of the time (others are "open in new window, or just
checking some information about the resource.) so don't find AccessKey's
which activate particularly useful.

The HTML spec also IIRC is silent on what happens if their are duplicate
Access Keys assigned, and here the focus only approach is preferable IMO.

However it's like device specific which behaviour I would prefer, on a
PDA, or other device with more limited interface activation may be
preferable.  Is consistency between User Agents useful here - can it not
be down to the UA?


Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2002 12:03:05 UTC