- From: WSES MATH Newsletter (Applied and Theoretical Mathematics) <none_reply@worldses.org>
- Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 03:13:13 +0300
- To: <wai-wcag-editor@w3.org>
Please, do not reply to: none_reply@worldses.org, but see instructions at the end of this message. (The address none_reply@worldses.org will never reply to you. If you want to contact us, see at the end of this message) ************************************************************** ****** CONTENTS: IN THIS ISSUE, READ * 1) WSES 2001 ELECTIONS ***** 2) WSES LAA'01, NAA'01, DETA'01, OA'01, PSOR'01, CME'01, ADISC'01, ATDG'01 in Australia, WITH GREAT PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT OF THE LOCAL MATHEMATICAL COMMUNITY! 3) NEW BOOK IN EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 4) NEW RESEARCH POSITIONS IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM ****** 1) WSES 2001 ELECTIONS: After several requests from our members, our elections moved to October 5, 2001 See our web site. 2) WSES LAA'01, NAA'01, DETA'01, OA'01, PSOR'01, CME'01, ADISC'01, ATDG'01 in Australia, WITH GREAT PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT OF THE LOCAL MATHEMATICAL COMMUNITY! INVITATION TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF OUR LIST! (if you are interested send a message to : cairns2001@worldses.org I have the honor to invite each of you to submit an Invited Paper in the following annual WSES Conferences: * 2nd WSES International Conference: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS (LAA 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS (NAA 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATION (DETA 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS (OA 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: PROBABILITY, STATISTICS, OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (PSOR 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: COMPUTER MATHEMATICS - EDUCATION (CME 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: ALGORITHMS, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, SYSTEMS AND CONTROL (ADISC 2001) * 2nd WSES International Conference: ALGEBRA, TOPOLOGY AND DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 2001 (ATDG 2001) These unique gathering of mathematicians will take place in the exquisit, fascinating and really exotic Cairns. Queensland, Australia, December 17-21, 2001 http://www.worldses.org/wses/conferences/cairns Chairman: Prof. V. Kluev, University of Aizu, Japan. Co-Chairmen: Prof. S. Penev, School of Mathematics, UNSW, Sydney, Australia. Prof. R. Oberste-Vorth, Dept. of Mathematics, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA. Prof. A.J.Roberts, Department of Mathematics and Computing, Univ. of Southern Queensland, Australia. Dr. D. V. Strunin, Dept. Math. & Comp., Univ. Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. Members: Prof. H. Araki, Dept.of Math., Science University of Tokyo, Japan. Prof. B. Chanane, Mathem. Sci. Depart. King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals, S.Arabia Prof. J.-J.Climent, Universitat d'Alacant, Spain. Prof. T.K.Das, Dept. of Mathematics, MS University of Baroda, India. Prof. R. Das, Dept. of Mathematics, MS University of Baroda, India. Prof. S. Dragomir, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Prof. L. Hacia, Poznan Technology University, Poland. Prof. T. Itoh, Mathem. & Natur. Sci., University of Tokushima, Japan. Prof. Jin-Lin Hu, Applied Math. Dept, Northwestern Polytech. Univ., China. Prof. Z. Jia, Department Appl.Mathematics, Dalian Univ.Techn., China. Prof. Roger Van Keer, Department of Math. Analysis, Ghent University, Belgium. Prof. Sangback Ma, Hanyang University, S. Korea. Prof. A. Karagrigoriou, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. Prof. N. Mastorakis, MIUE, Hellenic Naval Academy, Greece. Prof. B. Neta, Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Mathematics. Prof. M.I.Garcia-Planas, Dept.Appl.Mathem., Univ. Politech. Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Prof. R.J.Plemmons, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA. Prof. A. Sadegheih, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Yazd, Iran. Prof. Y. Senichenkov, St. Petersburg Technical University, Romania. Prof. S. Sheshenin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Prof. S.-Z. Song, Dept. of Mathematics, Cheju National Univ., South-Korea. Prof. H. Srivastara, Univ. of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Prof. V. Stukopin, Don State Technical University, Russia. Prof. Wenyu Sun, School of Mathematics and C.S., Nanjing Normal Univ., China. Prof. N. J. Thome, Dept. de Matematica Aplicada, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. Prof. V. Vetrivel, Department Mathematics, Indian Inst. Techn., Mandras, India. Dr. A. Abraham , School.of Comp. and Inform. Techn., Monash University, Australia Dr. Chu Delin, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore. Dr. Amir Hussain, Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Mathematics, Univ. of Stirling,Scotland, UK Dr. S. Matsufuji, Dept. of Inform. Science, Saga University, Japan. DEADLINE FOR PAPER SUBMISSION: SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION: One month after the submission of your paper (maximum) (we can inform you the recommendation of the reviewers 30 days after your submission!) Also, if you would like, we could send an official letter to you (via regular mail) in order to find possible financial support for your trip from your department (as Invited Lecturer) Also, if you want to organize a Session, -ATTENTION: in this case your name will be mentioned in the proceedings as Associate Editor-, please, collect and review at least 8-10 papers and then send them to us. Of course, you could send me now the title of your paper ALL THE ACCEPTED PAPERS will be published: 1)in the CD-ROM Proceedings (with Search Facilities and Page Numbering) as well as 2)in the Applied and Theoretical Mathematics International Reference Book Series of WSES PRESS as Post-Conference Books (Hard cover, velvet paper, international circulation). These will be different International Editions (with different ISBN). This material will be ready at the opening of the Multiconference and will be distributed to the participants. Also SPECIAL ISSUES have been scheduled for many journals INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Find in the WEB. TOPICS FOR EACH CONFERENCE: See the web More informations: Send a message to cairns2001@worldses.org ABOUT CAIRNS AND PALM COVE: Centrally located between Cairns City and Port Douglas, and bordered by sprawling white beaches and luscious mountain ranges, Palm Cove is only 20 minutes from Cairns, but could almost be a world away. The 1984 opening of The Cairns International Airport sparked the development of Palm Cove, from a 'locals' beach to the resort beach it is today. Since the first internationally managed resort property opened in Palm Cove in 1986, over 15 resorts have been developed accommodating over 650 000 visitors each year. The village is the ideal location for serious relaxation but, for the adventurous, diving, sailing, bungy jumping, hot air ballooning, white water rafting, sky diving and safari tours are also easily accessible. But when you stay at Novotel Palm Cove Resort, you need not leave the property to enjoy golf, tennis, gym, aerobics, cycling or squash and you can do it all while the kids are having fun at the resort's exclusive Dolfi Kids Club. If you'd like to combine a little more fitness with your fun, a visit to the Dive Shop means you can enjoy a variety of watersports including windsurfing, catamaran sailing, scuba diving and paddleboarding. After a day of activity, or decadent relaxation, the resort offers three fabulous dining options, including the award winning Paperbark Restaurant or there is always the option of experiencing the nightlife of Palm Cove Village, where the dining and entertainment options are endless. HERE IS THE STATISTICS FROM the previous WSES Conference ************************************************** STATISTICS: The previous Conference was a great success. Here is the statistics from the e-messages that we received. ORGANIZATION: "Excellent" 92.4%, "Very Good" 0.8% SCIENTIFIC PART: "Excellent" 95%, "Very Good" 5%, PROCEEDINGS: "Excellent" 98%, "Very Good" 1%, "Good" 1% POST-CONFERENCE BOOKS: "Excellent" 100%, SOCIAL PART: "Excellent" 96.4%, "Very Good" 2.7% BANQUET: "Excellent" 100% <Please, if you have a friend interested in the above topics please, forward this message> Regards K.Papanikolaou (on behalf of the Chair of the Organ.Committee) Contact me at: cairns2001@worldses.org 3-4) NEW BOOK IN EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION and NEW RESEARCH POSITIONS IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM (better view with MS Inter.Explorer >4.0) Due to the big size of your announcements, for this issue, we have put them at: http://www.worldses.org (please, click on the Button: ACADEMIC NEWS) Do not send announcements to WSES, via none_reply@worldses.org but visit http://www.worldses.org and contact us completing an appropriate web form. The address none_reply@worldses.org is a "black hole" and you must not wait any a reply from it. ----------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: Forward this News letter to your friends and colleagues encouraging them to subscribe via: http://www.worldses.org (completing a relevant web form). HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE: To unsubscribe, please visit http://www.worldses.org/wses/unsubscribe.htm select WSES MATH Newsletter (Applied and Theoretical Mathematics) Please, do not unsubscribe from lists that you do not belong. It will cause problems and it may cancel your un-subscription!
Received on Saturday, 9 June 2001 20:11:43 UTC