The indigenous and popular rebellion of Ecuador to participate in the Anti-imperialist Camp!

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Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

Rebellion is necessary!
Assisi, Italy, July 28 – August 5


The indigenous and popular rebellion of Ecuador to participate in the Anti-imperialist Camp!

The Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE) has announced its support and its participation in the Anti-imperialist Camp.

In the last years, Ecuador has been widely present in the news for its continuous popular rebellions against the neo-liberal and corrupt governments. Thanks to the strength of these indigenous and popular mobilisations it has been possible to oust two presidents. The indigenous people have been playing a major role in the mass uprisings of peasants, workers, students and the popular quarters of the big cities. As a result, a popular organisation network has been built subsequently to these struggles both in the cities and in the countryside which potentially could become the basis for a new popular power fighting not only for liberation from corrupt presidents but also from the whole capitalist robbery system.

The PCMLE is the major party of the revolutionary left in Ecuador. Throughout its long history it has been able to gain profound experience on all forms of popular struggles. Its militants are leaders of the most important mass organisations and have been playing a major role, together with hundreds of popular organisations, in the creation of the Patriotic Front, an organisation striving for unity of the democratic, revolutionary and anti-imperialist opposition.

During the Anti-imperialist Camp, the PCMLE will present the daily reality of the popular struggle in Ecuador beyond ethnicistic myths, pointing out its character as a political struggle and a struggle of the poor. The PCMLE will explain the role of the indigenous confederation CONAIE, the proposals put forward by the Patriotic Front, the effects of the dollarised economy and the US-interference in the region. 

The PCMLE's delegates will undoubtedly give a major contribution to the Table Ronde where they will discuss the perspectives of the Latin American revolutionary left together with representatives from revolutionary organisations from Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia. 

For further information on the PCMLE:

We invite all interested anti-imperialist organisations to join the call for the Anti-imperialist Camp.

Information on the Anti-imperialist Camp:


Preliminary Programme:


Fees, Registration :

For further enquiries:

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10

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Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 12:34:15 UTC