Re: Request for requirements input for XHTML 2.0

Some of the requirements I would like to see discussed by XHTML 2.0 working 

1. An actual container model for the use of headers or some other structure 
so authors could actually specify that content in a container is a related 
and that a group of containers are connected to each other.  This would 
help improve structural navigation of documents, especially for 
non-graphical renderings of HTML content. Corresponds to UAAG checkpoints 
7.6 and 8.4.

2. Clear markup for the indicating that two or more types of content are 
equivalents of each other.  For example a video of a sign language 
interpretation of an audio presentation that also has a text transcription 
can be marked up to indicate that they are equivalents of each other.  The 
user then knows that these elements should all provide the same 
information.  Corresponds to UAAG checkpoint 2.3.

3. When a resource is not available or a required equivalent has not been 
supplied, how should that information be repaired by the user agent and 
should the repair information be represented in the DOM.  One possibility 
is that there be a new element(s) that could only be generated by user 
agents to indicate that information is not available or repairs have been 
made for missing content.  Corresponds to UAAG checkpoint 2.5.

4. Provide a way for authors to describe the purpose of scripting events 
and for the scope of a scripting event (i.e. bubbling issues) to be clearly 
defined in terms of the elements that can respond to an event.  Not 
currently addressed in UAAG directly.

5. Define a mechanism for the user agent to indicate through the DOM 
whether a link has been visited or not.  Corresponds to a UAAG checkpoint 8.2.

6. Provide markup to indicate the purpose of a table (i.e. being used for 
layout, or for tabular data).  Corresponds to UAAG checkpoint 8.1.  I know 
this is controversal proposal, but one that seems to speak to the current 
practice of table use.

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
College of Applied Life Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street, Champaign, IL  61820

Voice: (217) 244-5870
Fax: (217) 333-0248



Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2000 13:40:06 UTC