Web Accessibility Resources

Hi Team,
It is Nika, Partner Manager from AccessibilityChecker.org #1 Web
Accessibility Knowledge hub and free online scanner for websites in digital
accessibility matters.

I love your guidelines  https://www.w3.org/WAI/perspective-videos/contrast/
 and wanted to ask you about the update. But what would be good is to
present tools that might help. And we have one.

To speak frankly, I need a link from your post as it is well written and
perfectly describes the topic. Your readers might be interested in
additional tools and guidelines which we present here
but moreover we have free online web accessibility scanner
 and color contrast checker
Your readers definitely find it easy and comfortable to use.
   We will be very honored to be included in your article and it would be a
perfect match for your readers.

So, there isn’t a whole lot you get out of this besides giving your
audience the best. But if we can scratch-back your back, we’re open to
ideas and I am ready to learn your terms on this deal.

I'll appreciate your reply.

Kind regards,

[image: Nika Gunchenko]

Nika Gunchenko
Partner Manager, Accessibility Checker
| nika@accessibilitychecker.org

Received on Thursday, 25 August 2022 15:51:14 UTC