Re: Research and Development Working group on Accessible Maps

Hello, Jamie,

I have some good news for you: We do have more current information.
(I'll ask folks to update the old pages with links to the new info.)

The currently active group is the Research Questions Accessibility Task Force (RQTF). Information about that group and work is at:

Judy Brewer is that W3C Staff Contact for RQTF, and she should be able to provide you with more details on current work related to accessibility and maps.

In the meantime, here is some information:
* Workshop on Maps for the Web -- includes quite a bit about accessibility:

Best regards,
~ Shawn

On 03-Mar-21 4:20 PM, Herrera, Jamie wrote:
> Hello,
>   I work at United Healthcare within the Accessibility Center of Excellence. I have interacted with multiple members of the WAI through forums and CSUN.
> Let’s discuss maps.
> Many of my internal clients are actively creating and updating map interfaces. I was going to point one of my clients to the W3 Research and Development group on Accessible Maps. However, I noted that this page was last updated on November 6, 2012, and that the R&D group itself has not met since June 2015. I was somewhat surprised to find that even in that page there was not a section for map accessibility for keyboard users, particularly those that want to view location results or map icons by their geographic placement on a map, by moving between results and being able to select any items that are intended to open onselect.
> A lot has happened with mapping in websites and mobile apps since 2012. Is there a W3 update or other WAI page I can reference that I may have overlooked through my WAI search?
> Our current stance as a  team is that maps must provide a text alternative to the map such as a list view; a map can be acceptable as a decorative image if tabbed/swiped to. But there is much more that is interactive these days with maps.
> Thank you in advance,
> Jamie
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